I find it difficult to have compassion for all those who benefit from the health care reform bill. While I know my sources are weak (Time, Newsweek), from what I can tell, all I get out of the bill is that my health care costs MAY not rise as quickly as they once would. I cannot help but be reminded of the sales job that was used for the multiple stimulus attempts and bail outs. I realize that I am paraphrasing, but I remember it something like this:
"If we don't bail out Wall Street and the banks, the unemployment rate will get really high, and you don't want that!"
Now that unemployment is hovering around 10%, it could be said that we should consider ourselves lucky, for if it weren't for the bailouts it would be 15%. Continuing this argumentative flaw, I should be happy that my health care costs are only slightly ridiculous, because if it weren't for health care reform my health care costs would put me in debtor's prison. Hey wait, maybe that's the trick. I will pay through the nose for health care until my family is destitute. Then I will quit my job and get tax payer funded health care at a greatly reduced cost while I collect unemployment. It all makes sense now. Thanks Obama. You're the best.
14 years ago